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OCR: Job Occue interface Application Help User Jobs 223 Submit Instruction to the Job Queue SYNC_CREATE.crea Parameters Lact Date DE-Jan-97 Jobs in qudue What fictitious_name Next Date 8-Jan-97 Mand Date Message from the Job Qucee Interval sysdate What; The database was not able to complete the PL/SQL Instruction Running SUBMIT: fictitious_name. This did not damage the database Instructio and you may try this Instruction again after correcting Submi the problem. More: The problem may be that the name of the PL/SQL module is not recognized by the database. The module may not exdat or the name may simply be misspelled. SQL: DECLARE Job_Abr_out NUMBER; date_In DATE = TO_DATE (08-Jan-97 18:23" DD-MON-AR hh24:ml); BEGIN DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT (job_nbr,cut, Westious_name"" date_In, "; COMMIT, END: Msg : ORA- 06550: Ilne $, column 40: PLS-00312: FICTITIOUS_NAME: not declared in this scope OR4-06550: line 1, column 40: PU/SOL: Statement ignored OR4-06512: #1"SYS DANS_JJ08", the 88 ORA 06512: at"SYS.DOMB_JOB", line 117 ORA-06512: at line 1 OK PRINT Figure &: Modal screens avoid giving the user too much or too little information.